package examples.dbo; /* * Auto generated on: Mon Oct 17 22:47:19 EDT 2016 * JDBC url: [jdbc:postgresql://] * WARNING: Manual edits will be lost if/when this file is regenerated. */ import*; import java.math.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import*; import fc.jdbc.*; import fc.jdbc.dbo.*; import fc.util.*; import fc.web.forms.*; /** Represents a row in the mollytest table. */ public class mollytest extends fc.jdbc.dbo.DBO { /* Default constructor */ public mollytest() { this.__isNew = true; } /*--------------------- Columns ------------------------*/ private int uid; /** serial (INTEGER); PK=yes; Nullable=false; AutoInc=true; MaxSize=10 */ private String name; /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ private String email; /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ private String password; /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ private java.sql.Date created_on; /** date (DATE); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=13 */ private Boolean is_active; /** bool (BIT); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=1 */ /*------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Original PK saved here for updates. If a row is retrieved from the database and the PK value is changed, and then if the object is saved, we need the orignal PK value to find the row in the db for our update to work. */ int __orig_uid; boolean __force_update = false; private Map __extra_data; private boolean __isNew = false; private boolean __isModified = false; private boolean __isModified_uid = false; protected boolean __isNullInDB_uid = false; /**returns <tt>true</tt> if uid has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise*/ public boolean isModified_uid() { return this.__isModified_uid; } /**returns <tt>true</tt> if uid was null in the database*/ public boolean isNullInDB_uid() { return this.__isNullInDB_uid; } private boolean __isModified_name = false; protected boolean __isNullInDB_name = false; /**returns <tt>true</tt> if name has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise*/ public boolean isModified_name() { return this.__isModified_name; } /**returns <tt>true</tt> if name was null in the database*/ public boolean isNullInDB_name() { return this.__isNullInDB_name; } private boolean __isModified_email = false; protected boolean __isNullInDB_email = false; /**returns <tt>true</tt> if email has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise*/ public boolean isModified_email() { return this.__isModified_email; } /**returns <tt>true</tt> if email was null in the database*/ public boolean isNullInDB_email() { return this.__isNullInDB_email; } private boolean __isModified_password = false; protected boolean __isNullInDB_password = false; /**returns <tt>true</tt> if password has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise*/ public boolean isModified_password() { return this.__isModified_password; } /**returns <tt>true</tt> if password was null in the database*/ public boolean isNullInDB_password() { return this.__isNullInDB_password; } private boolean __isModified_created_on = false; protected boolean __isNullInDB_created_on = false; /**returns <tt>true</tt> if created_on has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise*/ public boolean isModified_created_on() { return this.__isModified_created_on; } /**returns <tt>true</tt> if created_on was null in the database*/ public boolean isNullInDB_created_on() { return this.__isNullInDB_created_on; } private boolean __isModified_is_active = false; protected boolean __isNullInDB_is_active = false; /**returns <tt>true</tt> if is_active has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise*/ public boolean isModified_is_active() { return this.__isModified_is_active; } /**returns <tt>true</tt> if is_active was null in the database*/ public boolean isNullInDB_is_active() { return this.__isNullInDB_is_active; } /** returns <tt>true</tt> if this object is newly created and has <b>not</b> been loaded from the database, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ public boolean isNew() { return this.__isNew; } /** Specify <tt>true</tt> to set this object's status as newly created (and not read from a database) */ protected void setNew(boolean val) { this.__isNew = val; } /** returns <tt>true</tt> if this object's data (for any field) has changed since it was created/loaded, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ public boolean isModified() { return this.__isModified; } /** Resets the modified status of this object to not-modified this is useful when loading an object via a prepared statement (by using various setXXX methods when we do so, we inadvertently set the modified status of each field to true) */ void resetModified() { this.__isModified = false; this.__isModified_uid = false; this.__isModified_name = false; this.__isModified_email = false; this.__isModified_password = false; this.__isModified_created_on = false; this.__isModified_is_active = false; } /** Allows putting arbitrary object-specific data into this object. This is useful to store additional query-specific columns when performing arbitrary queries. For example: <blockquote><pre> String query = "select <font color=blue>1+1 as my_sum, now() as my_time</font>, mollytestMgr.columns() from mollytest"; PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatment(query); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList(); while ( { <font color=green>mollytest</font> obj = mollytestMgr.getFromRS(rs); obj.<font color=blue>putExtraData("my_sum"</font>, rs.getInt("my_sum")); obj.<font color=blue>putExtraData("my_time"</font>, rs.getDate("my_time")); } //use the list later on...each <font color=green>mollytest </font>object in the list will //have the extra data.. </pre></blockquote> */ public void putExtraData(Object key, Object value) { synchronized (this) { if (__extra_data == null) { __extra_data = new HashMap(); } } __extra_data.put(key, value); } /** Allows retrieving arbitrary object-specific data from this object. This data should have been put via the {@link #putExtraData putExtraData} method prior to invoking this method */ public Object getExtraData(Object key) { synchronized (this) { if (__extra_data == null) { return null; } } return __extra_data.get(key); } public String toString() { final String nl =; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(256); buf.append("Class Name: [mollytest]"); buf.append(" [isDiscarded=").append(this.isDiscarded()).append("]"); buf.append(" [isNew=").append(this.isNew()).append("]"); buf.append(" [isModified=").append(this.isModified()).append("]"); buf.append(nl); buf.append("Note: IsNullInDB only meaningful for existing rows (i.e., isNew=false)"); buf.append(nl); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(768); TablePrinter.PrintConfig config = new TablePrinter.PrintConfig(); config.setPrintBorders(false); config.setCellSpacing(1); config.setCellPadding(0); config.setAutoFit(true); TablePrinter p = new TablePrinter(7, new PrintStream(out), config); p.startTable(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("PK"); p.printCell("FK"); p.printCell("Field"); p.printCell("Value"); p.printCell("isModified"); p.printCell("isNullinDB"); p.printCell("isSerial/AutoInc"); p.endRow(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("x"); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("uid"); p.printCell(String.valueOf(this.uid)); p.printCell((this.__isModified_uid) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell((this.__isNullInDB_uid) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell("x"); p.endRow(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("name"); p.printCell(String.valueOf(; p.printCell((this.__isModified_name) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell((this.__isNullInDB_name) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell("-"); p.endRow(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("email"); p.printCell(String.valueOf(; p.printCell((this.__isModified_email) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell((this.__isNullInDB_email) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell("-"); p.endRow(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("password"); p.printCell(String.valueOf(this.password)); p.printCell((this.__isModified_password) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell((this.__isNullInDB_password) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell("-"); p.endRow(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("created_on"); p.printCell(String.valueOf(this.created_on)); p.printCell((this.__isModified_created_on) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell((this.__isNullInDB_created_on) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell("-"); p.endRow(); p.startRow(); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("-"); p.printCell("is_active"); p.printCell(String.valueOf(this.is_active)); p.printCell((this.__isModified_is_active) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell((this.__isNullInDB_is_active) ?"x":"-"); p.printCell("-"); p.endRow(); p.endTable(); buf.append(out.toString()); return buf.toString(); } /** Returns a map of all fields-&gt;values (as Strings) contained in this object. This is useful when sending auto converting the object to JSON, etc. */ public Map allFieldsMap() { final HashMap m = new HashMap(); m.put("uid", String.valueOf(this.uid)); m.put("name", (name == null ? null : String.valueOf(; m.put("email", (email == null ? null : String.valueOf(; m.put("password", (password == null ? null : String.valueOf(this.password))); m.put("created_on", (created_on == null ? null : String.valueOf(this.created_on))); m.put("is_active", (is_active == null ? null : String.valueOf(this.is_active))); return m; } /* ============== Gets and Sets ============== */ /** serial (INTEGER); PK=yes; Nullable=false; AutoInc=true; MaxSize=10 */ public int get_uid() { return uid; } /** serial (INTEGER); PK=yes; Nullable=false; AutoInc=true; MaxSize=10 */ /* Generating set for set_uid with non public access since it's an auto-increment column */ mollytest set_uid(int uid) { this.uid = uid; this.__isModified_uid = true; this.__isModified = true; return this; } /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ public String get_name() { return name; } /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ public mollytest set_name(String name) { = name; this.__isModified_name = true; this.__isModified = true; return this; } /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ public String get_email() { return email; } /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ public mollytest set_email(String email) { = email; this.__isModified_email = true; this.__isModified = true; return this; } /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ public String get_password() { return password; } /** varchar (VARCHAR); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=99 */ public mollytest set_password(String password) { this.password = password; this.__isModified_password = true; this.__isModified = true; return this; } /** date (DATE); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=13 */ public java.sql.Date get_created_on() { return created_on; } /** date (DATE); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=13 */ public mollytest set_created_on(java.sql.Date created_on) { this.created_on = created_on; this.__isModified_created_on = true; this.__isModified = true; return this; } /** bool (BIT); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=1 */ public Boolean get_is_active() { return is_active; } /** bool (BIT); Nullable=true; AutoInc=false; MaxSize=1 */ public mollytest set_is_active(Boolean is_active) { this.is_active = is_active; this.__isModified_is_active = true; this.__isModified = true; return this; } }