java fc.jdbc.dbobjects.Generate -conf Command line tool to generate java objects/framework corresponding to the specified database and catalog. The configuration file must contain the following properties in standard java property file format (note all parameter names are case sensitive): If a table or column name uses a Java language reserved keywords (such as naming a column name "public", "switch", etc.), this tool will fail immediately. This is the best option because it would be very hard to carry on properly/partially by ignoring columns/tables that use reserved keywords. Fixing the DB is the only sane option in this scenario. (And, of course, you can always manually exclude the offending table via the exclude list as defined below). ============= Required ========================= jdbc.url jdbc.driver jdbc.user jdbc.password the above 4 properties have the usual JDBC meanings and must be specified (don't default to anything) jdbc.catalog if not specified, uses the default catalog log.level a; this will set the logging level used by this application. The value specified here is case insensitive. Defaults to the default SystemLog logging level. target.dbname the name of the target database. This must be one of the names specified in the fc.jdbc.DBName class. Usually this is optional since we can elucidate the name of the db from the jdbc driver. For some reason, in case we cannot a runtime-message will be displayed and this value will then have to be filled in. target.types_to_process list of table types to process. By default all types are processed but a comma delimted list here can be listed from those returned by java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getTableTypes() Note, the database is free to return more types than mentioned in the javadoc for this method. postgres for example also returns: index, sequence target.tables_to_process comma delimited list of case-insensitive table names to process. Typically a list of tables will be provided along with an accompanying package name for these tables, this way a subset of all tables available in the current database catalog will be generated for the specified package. A * can be used as either or both a suffix and prefix and has the effect of matching everything at that point. So *foo matches all tables ending with foo and *foo* matches all tables containing the name foo Defaults to all tables if not specified. target.tables_to_ignore comma delimited list of case-insensitive table names to ignore (and not process). Any tables defined here (if any) are ignored and not generated. A * can be used as either or both a suffix and prefix and has the effect of matching everything at that point. So *foo matches all tables ending with foo and *foo* matches all tables containing the name foo Defaults to an empty list which means no tables will be ignored additionally by this parameter. The process/ignore sequence is: -- choose any tables specified by target.tables_to_process (default all tables in the database) -- then, from the list of tables to process, prune any tables that are specified by target.tables_to_ignore (default empty, so nothing is pruned) -- generate the resulting set of tables here. dbspecific.mysql.boolean_hack converts TINYINT types to boolean. See javadoc for Generate for more information. Defaults to true generate.output.dir full path to directory where output files will be written. Will create this directory if necessary. Full paths are preferred, relative paths are typically (but may not always) resolved relative to the directory from where the jvm was launched ------------------------------------------------------- The following proprties affect the name of the generated class and get/set accessor methods. We want the class and method names to mirror table and attribute names. However, sometimes JDBC drivers and/or databases may return names differenly than defined in that database. For example, if a table was named in sentence case (say FooBar), the returned name may be foobar (all lowercase). Typically, we want to just use the returned name as-is but options here can change the default settings. --------------------------------------------------------- generate.wrangle.sentence.delimiter Used by the "sentence" option while name wrangling Defaults to underscore _ if not specified generate.wrangle.classname Affects the generated classname. One of: none, lower, upper, sentence, firstup Defaults to none if not specified none: generated class name from table name as-is upper: generated class name is all upper case table name lower: generated class name is all lower case table name sentence: the first letter of each word in the table name is capitalized where a word is seperated by the word delimiter. The word delimiter is specified by the "generate.wrangle.sentence.delimiter" property. firstup: converts only the first letter of the table name to upper case Example: |TableName || none | upper | lower |sentence|firstup| |==========||=========|=======|========|========|=======| | fooBar || fooBar |FOOBAR | foobar | FooBar |Foobar | |__________||_________|_______|________|________|_______| | foo_bar || foo_bar |FOO_BAR| foo_bar| FooBar |Foo_bar| |__________||_________|_______|________|________|_______| generate.wrangle.methodname Affects the generated accessor method names. One of: none, none_under, lower, upper, sentence, firstup, underscore Defaults to none_under if not specified none: generated method name from table attribute name is as-is none_under: generated method name from table attribute name is as-is and seperated by get/set via an underscore, for example, foo becomes get_foo() upper: generated method name is all upper case attribute name lower: generated method name is all lower case attribute name sentence: the first letter of each word in the method name is capitalized where a word is seperated by the word delimiter. The word delimiter is specified by the "generate.name_wrangling.word.delimiter" property. firstup: converts only the first letter of the method name to upper case Example: |Column || none |none_under| upper | lower |sentence|firstup | |=======||========|==========|========|========|========|========| |fBar ||getfBar |get_fBar |getFBAR |getfbar |getFbar |getFbar | |_______||________|__________|________|________|________|________| |f_bar ||getf_bar|get_f_bar |getF_BAR|getf_bar|getFBar |getF_bar| |_______||________|__________|________|________|________|________| generate.class_package package name for generated classes. Defaults to none. generate.class_vis visibility of generated classes, get/set methods and utility methods. Defaults to "public" generate.field_vis visibility of generated fields. Defaults to "private" if accessors (get/set) will be generated, otherwise defaults to "public" generate.accessors if true, get/set methods for each field are generated. Defaults to true. generate.nullIfNullableUnknown if set to true, will mark a column as nullable if the jdbc driver does not know if that column is actually nullable or not. (i.e, the nullability information for that column is unknown). Defaults to false. generate.booleanObjectForNullableBooleans if set to true, if a boolean column is nullable in the database, will map that column to a java Boolean (as opposed to a primitive boolean). if false, all boolean columns are mapped to primitive java booleans (regardless of nullability in the database). This can be tricky since in JDBC, a null boolean value in the db translates to a false when using primitive booleans). Defaults to true. Note: when using mysql boolean hack, only primitive booleans are generated, regardless of what is set in this option. generate.modifiableAutoIncrementColumns control whether auto_increment columns will be allowed to be modified via setter accessor methods. By default this is false which implies that set() methods will NOT be generated for auto increment columns. Note: get() methods will always be generated, this only controls the set() method generation and the default setting here is almost always appropriate. Be very careful when setting to true. Your application may break in random ways. If this is true, when you create a new DBO and if you set values in it from scratch and those values include serial/auto-inc columns, you must save that object as: a) using fooMgr.update() *if* that manually set serial value already exists in the database b) or, if that serial value does not exist in the database. generate.preparedstatement.setxxx.length_param sets the third ("length") parameter that certain set methods in PreparedStatements need. From the JDBC spec: ------------------- quote ------------------------ setBinaryStream for streams containing uninterpreted bytes, setAsciiStream for streams containing ASCII characters, and setUnicodeStream for streams containing Unicode characters. These methods take one more argument than the other setXXX methods because the total length of the stream must be specified. This is necessary because some databases need to know the total transfer size before any data is sent. -------------------- end -------------------------- Options are: available, intmax available: passes stream.available() as the length param intmax: passes Integer.MAX_SIZE as the length param (theoretically, that should be ok since the driver should stop reading the stream if EOF is encountered before MAX_SIZE bytes). Defaults to: available dbspecific.postgres.getObjectToString getObject is used to retrieve columns where a more specific type is not known. For example, Type.OTHER returned for a column by the postgres driver for JSON types. The object returned is implementation specific (PGobject for postgres). We can get the value contained - in the object returned by get_bar() for example - by either: ((PGobject) foo.get_bar()).getValue() -or- foo.get_bar().toString() Both return the String-ified value. The latter toString() form is simple but have to remember to do this everytime. Ideally speaking, we would *like* to say (using org.json.JSONObject in this example): JSONObject json = new JSONObject(foo.get_bar()) This however, will add all the *other* crap in PGobject to our JSON. We really have to say: JSONObject json = new JSONObject(foo.get_bar().toString()) So this defaults to true, to save the hassle. Setting it to false will return the PGobject (or whatever the driver returns) instead.